Asbestos Removal Cumberland
Need Asbestos Removed From Your Home?
Welcome to GreenerWay Asbestos Removals Cumberland, we are asbestos removal specialists and our job is to rid your premises of all traces of deadly asbestos so that you and your family can live happily and safely in house free from the dangers and risks of asbestos.
Parts of your home that may contain asbestos?
In 2003, the Government of Australia officially banned asbestos as a construction material for new builds, renovations and repairs. However, from the 50’s through to the 80’s asbestos was a popular, strong and inexpensive construction material that was used frequently in places such as ceilings, roof linings, walls, the eaves of the roof, and even flooring.
Many free standing garages were built from asbestos and even boundary fences were made from asbestos. While the fences were the first asbestos structures to be replaced, so durable is the dangerous material that many garages constructed from it are still standing today.
Why is asbestos dangerous?
In the form it is used for construction, usually sheets or boards, asbestos is not generally harmful to a person’s health. If it is left alone, it should not cause a problem. However, if it is disturbed and especially if it is broken or cut in some way, it then becomes one of the most serious residential house hazards of our time.
The fibres once in the lungs do not rot or decay, as they are an inorganic substance. Instead, they stay in the lungs and can cause serious, even terminal illnesses down the line.
Why choose Asbestos Removal Cumberland?
GreenerWay Asbestos Removals are specialists in the safe removal and disposal of asbestos from family homes by closely following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for the safe handling and disposal of asbestos.
Each member of the team that will be working on your home is individually qualified to work with asbestos and understands how to make safe the area of your home they are working in for themselves and for your family. We keep the risk to a minimum until we are sure we have fully decontaminated your home.
How GreenerWay Asbestos Removals approaches a task?
When we come in to decontaminate your home of asbestos, we have safety in mind right from the start. We will set up signposts to show you the areas of your home that we are working in, and that may well not be safe to enter. Once we are entirely sure that we have removed all of the asbestos and have cleaned and decontaminated the area of asbestos dust, you will be free to use the area again. If tradesmen working on a renovation project first discovered the asbestos, they will now be able to resume work again.