Do you live in a house that was built before the 1990s? Chances are it was built with asbestos-containing materials. And even if your house was built after the ‘90s, it’s still possible for it to be laden with asbestos; after all, there are rogue companies that don’t heed the nation-wide ban of asbestos and import questionable building materials, which end up being used for building Australian homes and offices.
If you suspect your home of having asbestos, make haste to call the right professionals to perform asbestos testing. GreenerWay Asbestos Removal will arrange to have testing carried out for you by GreenerWay Building Inspections, which offers asbestos inspections and testing among its services.
If you’re curious to find out how asbestos testing is conducted, it basically involves a five-step process:
– Visual identification by a professional – Although a polarised microscope is necessary for the detection of asbestos fibres, experts can scope a property to see if the presence of asbestos is very likely. They have the experience and know-how to identify a home as a probable candidate for an asbestos hotspot.
– Safe taking of sample from suspected areas – Asbestos, especially the friable kind, is best handled by the pros who have the training, the tools, and the gear to carry out this task safely. Do not attempt this yourself, especially involving crumbled material.
– Lab testing via a NATA-approved laboratory – GreenerWay Building Inspections works in conjunction with one. NATA stands for National Association of Testing Authorities.
– Audit report – In this, the results are revealed, whether the sample has positive or negative test results. It also includes an identification of the kind of asbestos present. The following are some of the most common:
- Amosite Asbestos (brown asbestos)
- Chrysotile Asbestos (white asbestos)
- Crocidolite Asbestos (blue asbestos)
Chrysotile is the most common; Amosite is the most likely to cause cancer; and Crocidolite is so fine and easily inhalable that it’s presumed to be responsible for the most number of deaths. Take note that while some kinds are more dangerous than others, all of them are hazardous to the health.
– Arrangement of removal if required – If you get a positive result, no time should be wasted; get your removalist to do the necessary and appropriate work right away. You cannot dilly-dally when asbestos is involved. The merest suspicion of asbestos presence should have you taking appropriate action right away. It is literally a matter of life and death.